Lost cat. Please help!

Cat Care, Cat Mews July 3, 2017

It’s every pet owner’s worst nightmare. Your feline family member has gone missing. We hope you never encounter this stressful scenario, but these tips can help you spring into action if you do.


Always be prepared

One of the easiest ways to make sure kitty returns from a mouse hunt or unplanned stroll in the woods is to make it easier for whoever finds your cat to bring her home. An up-to-date tag on your cat’s collar (and/or microchip) is step one. Temperament tags indicate your cat’s mood can give your rescuer added peace of mind for example, “Fearful, not Feral” or “Afraid, not abused”. We also recommend you keep current photos of your cat readily available, but we know you’ll never have a problem with that.


Proceed without delay

Every moment wasted is one less moment you get to spend petting, snuggling or playing. As soon as you suspect your cat is missing, create “MISSING CAT” posters, complete with one of those current photos we talked about earlier. Upload the same poster to all of your social media outlets, and contact your local animal shelter to determine if your cat has already been recovered, or to alert that she may be lost.


Be your own search committee

Take walks around your neighborhood multiple times per day, if time permits. Leave food and water outside in the event she returns while you’re away. Call your cat’s name and rattle her favorite toy as you make your way down each street. And make sure to follow up with local shelters every few days.

Cats want to come home as badly as you want them to, and some have even traveled hundreds of miles on their own, to do just that.




