Helping your favorite shelter is just a click away!
Every Cat’s Pride jug purchased helps more shelter cats find forever homes. With each jug purchased, we donate a pound of litter to animals welfare organizations. Register your animal welfare organization today. Once enrolled, download the promotional tools to ask your supporters to nominate you on The more supporter nominations, the more litter donated.
Cats Pride Club FAQs
Cat’s Pride Club members receive emails with cat-rearing tips, interesting articles about cats and their people, coupons for Cat’s Pride products, and more. As a member, you are also eligible to nominate your favorite shelter to receive donated litter through the Litter for Good program. Best of all, it’s completely free to join!
The Litter for Good program is part of our ongoing commitment to helping more shelter cats find forever homes. Every time you purchase a jug of Cat’s Pride cat litter, we donate a pound of litter to animal welfare organizations across America. This helps to free up resources for these organizations so they can focus on finding more cats their forever homes.
The Cat’s Pride Club is our way of keeping cat lovers up to date with the latest information about cat care and Cat’s Pride products. The Litter for Good Program is our way of freeing up resources for animal rescue organizations by donating litter. Cat’s Pride Club members can nominate a shelter to receive a portion of the donated litter through the Litter for Good Program. You must be a Cat’s Pride Club member to nominate a shelter.
There are two easy ways to help make a difference. Look for Cat’s Pride products wherever cat litter is sold, and nominate your favorite shelter to receive donated litter. Every time you buy a jug of Cat’s Pride cat litter, we donate a pound of litter to animal welfare organizations across America to help more shelter cats find forever homes. Also, as a Cat’s Pride Club member, you can nominate your favorite shelter to receive donated litter right now.
Through the Litter for Good program, Cat’s Pride continues to donate close to 5 million pounds of litter to animal welfare organizations every year. Check out some of our shelter highlight stories here.