Adopting a new cat is an absolutely wonderful experience, and right off the bat, your new best friend will be trying to communicate with you, even if it doesn’t seem that way. Whether you just recently rescued a kitty or are thinking about it, this is why a newly adopted cat may…
Hide from You.
Whether entering a totally new home or even just a new room: cats have trepidations about new spaces. By combining some established comforts, like their favorite toys, as well as easing them into it, like introducing them to one new room per day, they’ll go from hiding to basking in no time. (source)
Have a Difficult Time with the Litter Box.
A cat might shy away from a new litter box for a few different reasons. If your cat is having difficulties, try cleaning the litter box more often, putting an additional litter box in the house, or experimenting with different kinds of litters. If the problem continues, bring the cat to the vet — while it’s most likely a simple adjustment problem, it might need medical attention. (source)
Not Seem Excited on Adoption Day.
When you visit a shelter, some cats leap for joy, others are more reserved. This is because different cats have different personalities, just like us humans! If you want a rambunctious cat, you’ll be able to spot them at the shelter, while the calmer, more reserved cats will stick out as well. Find out more info about picking out the perfect companion here. (source)
Not Get Along with the Cats You Already Have.
When you’re a cat lover, it’s tough not to fill up the house with as much fluffy as possible. But sometimes, personalities can clash, especially when it comes to territorial animals. Don’t outright introduce new cats – introduce their smells to each other first, then introduce them face to face through a window. Finally, when they are sharing a space, ensure it’s a neutral space at first. Give them both treats, which is a great way to acclimate to their new housemate(s). (source)
Not Mesh Well with Children.
Cats and kids are a match made in heaven, but it can be bumpy at first. Fortunately, there are tons of ways to make the home life total harmony. Start with establishing clear boundaries, like how children should be gentle with the kitty and to know when to leave the cat alone. For those expecting a new cat, a new kid, or both, this is an important read.
What to expect when you’re expecting a new cat is essential knowledge for anyone looking to adopt and rescue. The key is preparedness, making sure the house is the ideal setting both before, during, and after you bring home your new best friend. It’s immensely rewarding, and more than worth it. In fact, to some of us, it’s not whether or not to have a cat, it’s how many!